Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 72 of 90

Well I can definitely say with certainty now...the Monday after day light savings "Spring Forward" is rough. The whole morning, my body could tell that it wanted it to be earlier and wondered why I was up and functioning when it should have been sleeping or just starting the day. Haha

Went to rotation, then hit the WOD...modified in my own way. Well actually Dean helped me with that. Still wanting to take it easy on my ankle, but I want to work I did. Haha

Here is the day in recap:

Warmup: Sit ups in Pike and Straddle position
I. Press 7-7-7 (this was supposed to be front squats)
-75lbs, 80lbs, 85lbs. Strict.
II. 5 rounds for time
-10 ring pushups (scaled HSPU)
-10 ring rows (scaled pull ups)
-40 ab mat sit ups (scaled Pistols/air squats for my ankle)
-finished 15:45

Breakfast - 2 eggs, 3 bacon
Lunch - salad with turkey, blackberry/strawberry mix
Snack - apple with almond butter, 2 chicken meatballs
Dinner - turkey burger, brussel sprouts, sweet potato fries

Good day. Now to sleep and repeat tomorrow. :)

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