Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 34 of 90

Happy Friday all!!

I was at rotation all day, but was let go 2 hours early!! Which meant my whole day was 2 hours ahead of schedule. I hit the 4pm WOD (such a difference in the number of people there at 4 and 6pm. holy crap), got home, hit the mall with my roommate, and then had dinner. Again, another night of not being too hungry...not sure why that is. was the important stuff for the day:

I. Russian Gymnastics day 1
II. Press 4x3
-65lbs, 75lbs, 95lbs (failed), 95lbs (success!!)
III. 3 rounds for time
-Power snatch (55lbs - afterwards, somebody commented to me that I went too light,
and Rx for this work out was 65...guess I shoulda done it...)
-KB swings (35lbs...Rx was 53...KBs are a suck of mine...gotta work on them)
-finished in 5:33

Breakfast - 3 eggs
Snack - blueberries
Lunch - Wenda Salad
Snack - carrots, cashews
Post-Workout Protein Shake
Dinner - Turkey burger, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and a pickle

Gonna be a big weekend. Tomorrow will be a lot of cleaning, grocery shopping, and food prep for the Super Bowl party I am having. Like I said a few days ago, Super Bowl Sunday will be a cheat day for me, and I am planning big. I will probably be a little sick, but it's gonna be a good day. It'll be day 36 of 90...We'll see. At least I'm spending 2 hours at the gym before Super Bowl cheats start??

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