Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 41 of 90

Today was my last day of my rotation and well, I had a sandwich at work. And a cookie. And they were good. SOOOOO good. That's what it is. I admit it. Right off the bat today. I finished my day, headed to CF, worked out, helped move some stuff, and headed home to eat dinner and get to bed early. Tomorrow I am judging at the throwdown and I gotta be there at 730am!! Holy early!! I am in so much awe and so impressed by all the athletes that are competing. I know a lot are nervous, and worrying, and I am glad that since this is my first exposure, and I will be there judging that I will be able to cheer them on and brighten their days hopefully!!

CF Workout:
I. Russian gymnastics day 2
II. 5 - 2 minute sets w/ 2 minutes rest between
-50 double unders (I jumped on a 45lb bumper)
-burpees for the rest of the 2 minutes
-Burpees completed - 15, 13, 13, 13, 14
III. 5 rounds of 30 weighted ab mat sit ups - used 15lb dumb bell
IV. Tabata grasshoppers (those were freaking hard!!)

Breakfast - none
Snack - trail mix (see day 40 for the mix)
Lunch - Italian sandwich (there was even cheese...booo Alyssa! But it was good!!)
Snack - cookie :(
Post WOD Protein shake
Dinner - why not continue the shit show...2 chicken w/ spinach and cheese (not a lot, but it was pre-mixed in), and brussel sprouts

Going to bed early!!

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