Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 11 of 90

Well, day 11...not much to's Wednesday haha

As per usual, in my glamorous life as a pharmacy intern finishing rotations....I went to rotation from 9-5. I did not work out today (Wednesday = rest day). So I hit the mall in search of work pants. I discovered a tear in my pants yesterday at the gym, so since I don't sew (eventually one day I will...I will be a good house wife hahahaha)...I had to go buy new pants. I figured I would just "look" at New York and Co. They are my favorite store to find work clothing, but their pants never fit me right. I was walking in, and the first thing I see $10 pants!! For the first time in my life, I was glad I wear the size dress pants I do! Those were the only size they had, plus a size bigger. I'll try on both sizes for shits just to see. I normally find 1 pair of pants, try them on, hate them, leave pissed, and have no pants. I tried on 6 pairs this time, and walked out with 3 pairs of pants!!

Now is this just me or ladies with shorter legs...when you try on "petite" pants, does it seem like the pant size goes down 1 size?! So frustrating, but I found a pair of "petite" pants, a size bigger, but they fit. No alterations needed. Now I am going to have to alter the other 2 pairs, but hey...3 pants...36 bucks after tax? I'll take it.

So for the food:
Breakfast -2 eggs, Naked Mighty Mango (10 oz)
Lunch - Wenda's salad
Snack - orange
Dinner - leftover Chicken Curry
Snack - celery w/ almond butter (yum!)

Today was the first day that I was still feeling like I wanted something else, something sweet, or cheese. Its been a tough day, but I'm pushing through and staying strong. Hopefully I will have a new chicken dish tomorrow, or maybe I'll make bacon wrapped scallops since I have all the ingredients :)

1 comment:

  1. Yum cheese and sweets! But you're doing so good! I'm glad you're going to pharm school to be a wifey ;)
