Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3 of 90

Today, as any other day does, came and went.

It was the first day of my new rotation, but I had to go sit through orientation to learn about the community pharmacy rotation I am starting. 8-1:30. Don't worry. I am a pro at inhalers, diabetes monitors, and am ready to collect data about patients on NSAIDs at risk for Chronic Kidney Failure. Score!

After, coming home and realizing that today is 1/3, and that I have not submitted my residency application for my first choice, which is due 1/9...I panicked. I have one more component of the application to complete, and it's the most important part. My Personal Statement. So I spent about 35 minutes typing as fast as I could, then took a 2 hour nap. That was a lot of thinking! I got up on time to get to CF by 6pm. And was pumped to see everybody!! I saw people that were finishing their workout, my friend Nicole, and was thrilled to be working out with Kim (my wingman!!) and Julie! I hadn't seen these guys since the end of November, and let me tell you. I missed them. Plus they kicked my butt today working out. Such a great hour. I struggled through "Cindy", but like I said before, I feel like I am starting at square one...but...I'm doing it again. And it feels great.

Dinner was leftovers from last night, nothing exciting. Sorry for all you recipe hunters, I promise something new in the next few days.

Here is a funny story for the day. As I was reheating my spaghetti, Atticus (my 1.5 year old cat for those of you that don't know) was playing with one of his favorite balls, that has a bell in it, that bounces everywhere, yeah yeah yeah. Well it rolled under the oven. So I begrudgingly got down on the ground (I am struggling to move, and thought if I get on the ground, there is no way I am getting up), and looked under the oven. This is what I found:

I was wondering where all of his toys had been disappearing to. Question answered.

So the day:
Breakfast- Almonds and grapes (I was in the orientation)
Lunch - garden salad and tomato soup (NO CROUTONS!!) from Panera. Forgot to bring my lunch :(
Snack - clementine
Dinner - spaghetti with meat sauce

CF workout:
I. Max pull-ups: 3 with the tan band
II. "Cindy" - 20 minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible)
5 pull ups (scaled to ring rows)
10 push ups (on the knees)
15 air squats
COMPLETED - 11 rounds + 16 movements
III. 2 minute AMRAP boxjumps (Rx 20 inch box) - 21 jumps
-I should mention I completely missed the box and was a cause for concern ON MY FIRST JUMP!!!! (just like yesterday, how my wrist gave out and I caught the floor with my face, Coach Brett was there to try and mop up that mess...hahaha, I wasn't hurt)

Later gators!

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